Op-Ed Articles

  • March 22, 2024: The class-size law is about to cause misery for countless city public-school families

  • March 13, 2024: Unions want full control of schools and our kids — we can’t let Albany allow it

  • Feb. 4, 2024: As hostages remain underground in Gaza after 120 days, we ask: Why can’t Jews have their Oct. 8?

  • Jan. 15, 2024: Progressives shamelessly try to censor a meeting of moms who care about schools in NYC

  • Nov. 5, 2023: Where’s the empathy for dead Israeli children?

  • Oct. 13, 2023: After Hamas’ horrors, why is it so hard to say Jewish Lives Matter?

  • Aug. 8, 2023: Mayor Adams should not take away kids’ sports for newly arrived migrants

  • June 13, 2023: NY pols should leave our kids alone — and not keep transitions from parents

  • May 17, 2023: Teachers union goes AWOL in fight to keep migrant shelters out of schools

  • May 7, 2023: Parents for open schools are being smeared — to keep them off NYC’s education councils

  • April 21, 2023: Sorry, Randi: No one resents teachers or schools — just your leadership

  • March 21, 2023: School Shutdowns 2.0: LAUSD school strike harms children (again)

  • Feb. 3, 2023: The pandemic’s long over — can we get fully back to normal already?

  • Dec. 2, 2022: Why is NYC’s arts community still punishing kids by forcing them to mask?

  • Nov. 23, 2022: Mike Pompeo is right: Randi Weingarten IS a danger to our children

  • Nov. 7, 2022: I’m a pro-choice Democrat, and I’m voting for Lee Zeldin to make me and other women feel safe again

  • Nov. 2, 2022: No, Randi Weingarten, parents won’t give you ‘amnesty’ for the damage you did our kids

  • Feb. 9, 2022: Gov. Hochul, you need to unmask our children now