There are 73 million children in the United States.

Restore Childhood is a national nonprofit founded to protect children from governmental overreach in health and education.  We believe that parents are the best advocates for their own children, so we empower parents with educational tools and research on critical issues to create a healthier future for their children.

We know that children’s whole health is far more than just the absence of disease. Health is the state of physical, mental, intellectual, social and emotional well-being enabling children to reach their fullest developmental potential. During the Covid-19 pandemic it became apparent that policy makers had little motivation or political will to provide thoughtful and nuanced policies that place the well-being of children first.

All too often, public regulations impact children with little thought given to their impact on childhood and a normal, healthy, developmental process. Practices around childhood, educational curricula and extracurricular activities are not based on rigorous, evidence-based decision making, but rather the general cultural zeitgeist, or political whims of the loudest voices.

This is unacceptable. Childhood is sacred and worthy of protection. It cannot be redefined by special interests but must be defended and restored.

We are parents who are filling this gap. Because children do not have a union. Because developmental milestones must be honored and cannot be moved.

We advocate for them.

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